IT Consultancy

At Computron Distribution, the first job we undertake when tasked with the management of your IT security is a full security audit of your company’s systems.

Nowadays there are so many common potential IT security risks within businesses, and our audit aims to identify which of those your business is currently vulnerable to, and provide recommendations on how to fix them in the form of a report.

If you are looking to outsource your IT security, or are simply looking for somebody to audit your IT systems, give one of our helpful advisers a call today on +255 789 56 3702. Alternatively, you can fill in our online contact form, and we will call you back.

What Will the Security Audit Report Contain?

The report will provide a high-level risk assessment of your whole IT infrastructure by area, including the technology and the staff, and will measure the effectiveness of your current security measures.

It will also provide bespoke recommendations telling you how you can improve your security by making sure all common issues are dealt with. These recommendations will also help to educate you on how these issues come about, along with the various methods and tools required to fix them, meaning that you will be better informed as to how you can keep your systems secure going forward.

What Areas Does The Audit Look At?

There are a number of very common IT security issues that affect a lot of businesses, and some examples of where these problems lie are as follows:

  • Firewalls
  • Mobile Devices (e.g. company mobiles, iPads, tablets etc)
  • Portable Storage Media (e.g. USB sticks, external hard drives)
  • Anti-Virus
  • Email Scanning

We pride ourselves on our ability to help and protect businesses. We have no vendor bias, so we are not just here to sell products.

Contact Computron Distrubtion Co, ltd today.

For more information on our IT security audit services, call us today on +255 789 56 3702 or fill in our contact form and we will give you a call back.

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